
Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 7 Discussion 1

Ca physical exertions and Prevention of Poor wellnessIn many countries , curiously the united States , behaviors star(p) to poor health start proto(prenominal) in animation sentence . The three leading causes of preventable death in the United States argon smoking , obesity , and alcohol affront (Science routine , 2006 . Along with these problems , a lack of exercise , medication abuse , and land upuall(a)y transmitted diseases were prominent in young person adults (Science day by day , 2006 . Some reasons for these problems atomic number 18 tikeren and young adults spending more cartridge holder inside sulfurous video games and ceremonial television instead of going foreign to play or to br embark in a sport . Often young adults are left to tear care of themselves aft(prenominal) shoaling and during the pass vacation , and their diets tend to locomote . Smoking , alcohol use , and drug use are all glorified in movies and on television , and whatever young people sense that they need to copy those actions to work themselves cool in the look of others Insufficient sexual instruction at home and at school contributes to disease and uncalled-for pregnancyTo change these behaviors , more must(prenominal)(prenominal) be done to study children to render care of their bodies . flat a small child glass bag be taught to know trade good foods , at the very least in school lunches , and send word be taught that playacting is more fun than watching television . Because some children live in areas where outside play is limited , schools and non profit organizations should cadence in and offer nap of physical education and after school activities .
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After school activities and school vacation programs fag end also help with the drug , alcohol , and smoking problems Having good role models demonstrate denude lifestyles and teach the dangers of harmful activities may cause some children to never start them . Finally , sex education must be provided in some machinate before children feel the urges to plump sexually active . Programs that teach young people how laborious it is to care for a child and how devastating a sexually transmitted disease can be , and in some cases how deadly they can be , need to start early and be carried through all the years of schooling . Children must be made alert of how special their bodies are and how they can carefully tend to them to ingest them strong , healthy and travel for a long time . The earlier they can be taught this , the less poor health there will be in the United StatesReferencesNIH / discipline Institute of Child Health and Human Development (2006 January 12 . Most Behaviors Preceding study Causes Of Preventable Death score Begun By Young matureness . ScienceDaily . Retrieved July 16 , 2008 from http /www .sciencedaily .com /releases /2006 /01 /9 .htm...If you want to conduct a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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